BCARTW Application Forms

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All forms must be printed, filled in manually, then mailed to the address on the form.

Option #1 – Full Membership

You must be collecting a pension from the TWPP to use Option #1.

BCARTW Voting Membership Application Form

Option #2  – Non-voting Membership 

BCARTW Non-Voting Membership Application Form

Bylaw 2.2: A non-voting member in the Society is a member who has paid into the Telecommunication Workers Pension Plan but is eligible to collect a pension at a later date.
Bylaw 2.5: Non-voting members shall have the right to attend and speak at all general meetings of the Society but shall not have the right to vote. They shall not have the right to run for the Board of Directors until they become voting members
Dues Payment Options

The BCARTW is able to accept dues payments by cheque, cash, e-transfer to or online through Credit Unions. 

See Dues Payment Options for additional information and instructions for online and e-transfer payments.

If you are paying by cheque, please make your cheque payable to BCARTW .

As a convenience you may pay in advance for future years ($20.00 for 2 years, $30.00 for 3 years, etc.).

Please forward your membership dues prior to April 30 each year. Dues payments can be mailed to:

BCARTW Treasurer
227 Linstead Place,
Nanaimo, BC V9T 0G5
Phone: 1-888-898-5755 (toll free)

Processing Membership Application Forms and Approval of Membership
  • The application form and dues are sent to the Treasurer.  The applicant is notified of receipt of the form and dues by the Treasurer, and the requirement for approval of the Board of Directors.
  • The Applications for Membership are taken to the next meeting of the Board of Directors for approval.
  • If approved, the application will be processed.  If the application is not approved, the application form and dues shall be returned to the applicant along with the process for an appeal to the next Annual General Meeting.

Process For Receiving A Proxy Form

  • Request for a Proxy form is sent to the Treasurer by the member and must include the name of the member that is being assigned the proxy vote.
  • After determining that both parties are members in good standing, the proxy form is sent by the treasurer to the requesting member to sign and give to the proxy holder.
  • The member attending the annual general meeting must bring the signed proxy form to the meeting.

BC Association of Retired Telecommunication Workers